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Best Planner Accessories: What to Add to Your Planner

Best Planner Accessories: What to Add to Your Planner
Planners that schools provide students can help them stay organized and learn to balance workloads with a physical and convenient reminder system. Teachers can also benefit significantly from keeping planners to display all their appointments, assignments, lesson plans and any other important dates in an easy-to-read format. To make a planner even more appealing and effective, students and teachers can customize them with accessories to fit their personalities. But how do you get started? What sort of planners should students use, and what accessories do they need to add to it? Everyone's organizational style is different, and the key is to help students find the method that works best for them. That style could be something that includes one or two targeted accessories, or it could include a variety of different accessories to transform a planner into something new. Whatever the case, our products are designed to help students and teachers navigate their organizational preferences to establish a routine that supports their growth and success throughout life.

What to Add to a Planner

There are several different planner accessories students can use to help stay organized and on top of things. The accessory options you choose will depend on what works best for your class or school. There are plenty of planner options that can help make students' planning even easier. When helping students learn how to become organized for themselves, sometimes you'll need to try various accessories to find which ones work best for them. For some, the best accessories are as simple as a set of highlighters to color coordinate their entries. Others may need more practical accessories, such as the following:

1. Inserts

Inserts can range from simple, handy tools like rulers with three hole punches to planner section dividers. If your school has a set of strict rules or regulations that need to be followed, including them as planner inserts is a great way to ensure students and staff all have a copy handy. This is great since it means students and teachers don't have to carry around multiple folders and notebooks with all the materials they need. Instead, they can easily have them handy in their day planner.

2. Customizations

Tabs, sticky notes and dividers are just some of the ways students can customize their day planners. For schools buying planners in bulk, there is also the option to customize each planner with the school's logo or motto. In addition, schools can include specific pages with resources like the school song, a list of major holidays or important dates for the staff and students. You can even encourage students to add photographs and other personal momentos to their planner to keep memories close by.

3. Storage

About Planner Storage.

Students and teachers can expand the space a planner offers with physical storage inserts that secure a place for important documents or additives. Some planners come with built-in storage in the back or front covers, but you can also buy additional storage to insert into a planner. These items can be great for holding stationery, pens, pencils and highlighters, or for collecting any loose papers, like permission slips or important notices. Outside of school documents, teachers and students alike may use their day planners to keep track of external obligations such as birthdays, dental appointments or personal milestones. Appointment cards, personal reminders and certain valuables can be stored in a day planner's additional storage insert to help compile important information in one place.

4. Resources

A day planner can be the best place for schools to provide parent-teacher resources or important information about the school and its policies. Using storage inserts or ordering day planners with the necessary resources included can help ensure staff and students will always have access to pertinent information when needed.

5. Stickers

Planner stickers are a fun way to brighten up the weeks and months. Some people prefer their day planner to be overflowing with cute stickers, while others would rather have no stickers at all. Students may respond well to being given stickers as rewards for checking their planners or writing down their assignments for the day. Stickers with specific prompts — such as "Important" — can help students pinpoint planner entries that require special attention. Older students may even prefer to use stickers to decorate and personalize their planners to feel a greater sense of ownership over them. Whatever the case, stickers can play a practical and fun role in a student's planner.

Popular Planner Inserts

Some of the best planner accessories are also the most popular ones. For students and teachers alike, these school planner accessory ideas are great for encouraging the habit of organization and independence:

1. Storage Pocket

A great way to keep track of handouts, sticky notes or identification cards is by using a plastic storage pocket. These can often be secured to the day planner, and their transparency makes it easy to spot the contents. This can be a useful addition to a day planner because it keeps all important documents in one place and allows students and teachers to quickly spot if anything may be missing.

2. Bully Game Insert

Bullying is a major problem that affects one in five school kids, and not all bullying looks the same. That's why it can be difficult for a bullied child to recognize they are being victimized or for a bully to know that what they think is harmless is actually a type of harassment. Education is the most important tactic for reducing bullying, and part of that education involves understanding what constitutes bullying. With that knowledge, kids can learn how to identify a bully and how to help a bullying victim.

About the bully game insert.

The Bully Game Insert for elementary students is designed to do exactly that. It's a four-page insert in full color that gives students necessary information about the different characters in the "Bully Game," such as the Victim, the Bystander and the Bully. These inserts also teach kids how to spot bullying behavior, and how to help someone who is being bullied. This can empower them to be more confident and cognizant of any bullying happening in their school.

3. Character Inserts for Elementary Students

Respect, courage and responsibility are just some of the character traits children can learn about with the Elementary Character Inserts. With this insert, elementary and middle school children are introduced to and shown the importance of key character traits that help establish and maintain interpersonal relationships. Including these four-page, full-color character inserts in your school's planners makes the information available to each student as a consistent reminder of the character traits they should strive to practice each day.

4. Character Inserts for High Schoolers

As teenagers mature, they're able to tackle more complicated concepts, which is why these High School Character Inserts give explanations and the importance of positive character traits like integrity, leadership and tolerance. These inserts are great conversation starters for teachers to use when discussing these and other characteristics to help high schoolers hone their interpersonal skills.

5. Teacher Pack

While making sure students are equipped with the resources they need to be successful is important, it's just as important for educators to have the resources to help their students effectively. The Teacher Pack exists to assist in this area. It's a handy pack that can be added to day planners that are distributed to educators. It includes essential materials such as pages for lesson plans, pages to record grades and various resource pages for teachers. It can also include resources like a hall pass tracker and charts for recording any homework assignments. Including the Teacher Pack in an educator's planner means they can reap the benefits of using a planner with tailored materials to help them do their job.

Popular Planner Customizations

One of the great things about day planners is how customizable their inside and outside can be. When ordering planners for a school, you can customize the front and back covers and pick planner accessories catered to students and teachers. Here are some ideas for planner accessories and customizations you can take advantage of:

Popular Planner Customization.


Every school is different, and a school's student planners should reflect the atmosphere of the school itself. That's why there are so many different options available when it comes to student planner covers. From planners for elementary schools to high schools, there are dozens of designs that range from traditional to fun. The front and back covers are a clear space for customization, but many forget that the inside covers are also valuable space. The front can easily be customized to include the school's name and logo, the school colors or photos of the school and its students. The inside front cover can offer free space to include handy resources. These can include a full-year calendar or a calendar of school events to remember, as well as many other personalized planner options for staff and students. The inner front cover can also be a great place for sponsored ads or a brief outline of the school's policies. The back cover, inside or outside, is another great place for sponsored ads, and it's also excellent for useful resources for students, such as a map of the school.


Students need to be aware of and have access to important resources and documents they may need throughout the school year. Handbooks can easily be inserted into student planners, ensuring all students have a copy of things like school policies, dress codes, general school rules and any information about school programs. These handbooks can also include a school calendar with clear dates for important events, such as sports games, parent-teacher days and exams. Depending on how your school organizes classes, you could also have a space for students to fill in their school schedules or a space in which to paste it.


Handouts are a big part of student life, no matter the grade. That's why folders and similar storage options are encouraged. Administrators can customize folders to match their school's student planners to helps students keep track of loose papers, such as parental signature forms and assignments. These folders feature customizable covers and insides, including the type of pocket design you want. The front covers are a great place to display school colors or the school logo, while the back cover is excellent for useful information, such as a periodic table or a map of the world. For younger students in elementary school, the back cover can include the entire alphabet in upper and lower cases or color wheels. The interiors can be left blank with customized storage pockets, but you can also use the space inside to instill school spirit or add information and resources for students to use throughout the school year. Storage pockets can be labeled simply with notes like "To Hand In" or "To Bring Home," but you can also use the space to add in charts where students can jot down their class schedules or other important notes.

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At Success by Design, we pride ourselves on providing students and teachers the products they need to excel in school and life. Our products are designed to help students of all ages learn how to best organize their lives and become independent. Our products also aim to help students better focus on their academic careers, with tools to help them improve their grades and prepare for adulthood. We provide planner accessories that encourage character building and interpersonal relationships to ensure kids develop and enhance their social skills, work habits and study habits. We have confidence in our products and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your order, we'll replace it or provide a full refund. Our range of customization options allows you to design your planners to your specifications. We also offer custom designs, so get in touch with our customer service team to find the right planner and accessories for your students today.

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